If you find yourself:

  1. Extremely nervous, can’t control your thoughts, confused for no reason.
  2. Hearing a high-pitched ringing in your ears or a buzzing that isn’t going away.
  3. Feeling very fearful, anxious, annoyed and just not yourself.
  4. Hearing voices in your head, a little paranoid or worried about your mind.
  5. Just don’t want to go anywhere, talk to anyone or be seen, etc.

You MAY be experiencing EMF Mind Control as millions are right now all over the world.

What you can do that might help:

  1. Unplug asap. Get away from your cell phone, computer, TV, Radio, or any digital devices and cell structures, and do to a natural setting like a park, beach or wilderness away from 5G towers or local cells. Be sure to exit your vehicle as well and avoid other people too.
  2. Take some time to walk a little and breath some fresh air without a mask on and find a quiet place to sit.
  3. Just sit on the earth, not a chair, on the ground comfortably and take some slow deep breaths (yogic beathing if you know it) and feel the ground, touch it with your hands or feet. Feel yourself “rooted” or “grounded” in the Earth and the elements.
  4. Just sit back from your mind and observe it as a witness without engaging it, passively and aloof, and then switch your attention and engage your natural surroundings. Your body and mind will start to naturally re-adjust as you allow it to. Just “take in” nature and the elements.
  5. Then do any of the meditation techniques that I have shown you: Kriya, Kundalini, Shaktipat, etc., if you don’t know any you can learn more at SelfAwarenessNow.com or just join our free Zoom call this Saturday. If you are reading this you are probably ready.


From the heart, Steven