The Enlightenment Has Begun

You Are Being Called








Welcome Home

The Movie Enlightenment Now

It's Time to Realize Your Full Potential



It is time to realize who you are

and why you were born

so that you can fulfill the purpose of your existence.

Enlightenment Africa

Fulfill Your Destiny


You are being called…

To realize who you are and why you were born

so you can fulfill your destiny


Shakti Meditation Intensive Retreat this September 1-7, 2024

With Swami Steven


At the Kirpal Meditation & Ecological Center (near the hot ponds) in Pohoiki, Big Island Hawaii

Seven days and six nights of meditations, yoga, healing, walks and down time in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

$1675 to $2000 depending on rooms, includes food (grown there) and tuition. Transportation extra.

We will have a preview call in August to answer questions and meet.

To make room reservations at Kirpal Meditation Center CLICK HERE

For questions or room sharing call or text Jessi Moon at 1-714-928-2520


To make your donation to SAI CLICK HERE




New on Enlightenment Television

  1. The Self Realization Course
  2. The God Realization Course
  3. The Yoga Master Class
  4. Bible Secrets
  5. The New World Order
  6. The Natural Health Handbook

CLICK HERE to watch these shows


Enlightenment Radio

Meditations, Satsangs, Discussions & Classes with Swami Steven 24/7 Free

Available on iTunes, iHeart, Audible, Spotify, PlayerFM, Podbay and dozens of other stations around the world.

“Enlightenment Radio Steven Sadleir” or just



Classes Teleconferenced LIVE with Swamiji

  • Thursdays: 7:00 PM Pacific, 10 PM Eastern. 3:00 AM London, 8:30 AM New Delhi
  • Each class provides a Shaktipat Transmission, a meditation, and a talk on various spiritual subjects.
  • Playbacks are available if a time doesn’t work live or you want to hear the class again.
  • Each class provides an opportunity to ask questions, get a healing, or just share with Swamiji
  • The tuition is $50/month and it supports our work.

CLICK HERE to join our Inner Circle


Enlightenment Radio – Steven on Blogs, Vlogs & FM Radio

Steven is syndicated on over two dozen stations. Free, 24/7, updated weekly. 



The Enlightenment Has Begun

3 Key Points to Realize

  1. THE EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS Human beings are in the midst of another evolutionary shift in consciousness, we are developing a sixth sense and becoming more conscious and sentient beings. Millions of people are beginning to realize, that there is something TO BE realized, that there is a latent potential to realize, this sense of needing fulfillment and coming home is calling us. We have been asleep, unaware of our true nature as Spirit, and of our full potential and purpose to become fully consciousness – enlightened – beings. But NOW there is an awakening of consciousness occurring within the collective consciousness of mankind. That’s why you are reading this now.

  2. THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT You have been called. Your spirit or intuition brought you to be reading this. You an early adopter, and among the first humans to enlighten. We have entered the Age of Aquarius, as an actual astrological occurrence, one known to be coming by the ancients for thousands of years. Known as the “Age of Enlightenment”, during this eon or age human beings are expected to enlighten and realize their true nature and purpose. You are among a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is enlightening and leading the way to creating the world that we all want to live in – a happy and peaceful world. It takes a shift in the collective consciousness, and YOU are creating this critical mass for this shift through your own participation.

  3. THE SCIENCE OF ENLIGHTENMENT There is a science to awakening your consciousness and developing higher awareness. It doesn’t matter what your religion or culture is, there is a life-force energy or spirit within everyone. That spirit is guiding everyone, to the degree that they are listening or “tuned in” you can connect. Sai is a Master who have trained thousands all over the world, Steven can show you how to awaken this latent potential, find the bliss within you and enlighten. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you, finding it is enlightenment. You are now at the leading edge of the biggest movement that has ever occurred in recorded history. Welcome home. Now, let’s change the world.



Steven transmits a high spiritual energy called Shaktipat that people can tune into and then experience higher states of consciousness.

Here are some testimonials of students during a recent retreat. Just look in their eyes as they share.

Steven S. Sadleir, Sai

Steven S. Sadleir, respected as Sai in India, is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and The Leading Edge Corporate Training, and for over thirty years has lead enlightenment individuals and organizations all over the world. He is a recognized Kundalini Master in the lineage of Sri Vethathiri Maharishi of the Tamil Siddhas, in Kriya Yoga with Sri Chuni Lal Lahiri, and with Sri Sri Sri Shviabalayogi Maharaj with whom Steven did his yoga tapas (sitting 24+ hours for weeks). Steven is guided by Jesus Christ and the God, and received his spiritual name, Sai, and early guidance from Satya Sai Baba in India. Steven is bringing together the East and West, the Spiritual and Material, and developing collective consciousness of mankind to God Realization, The Rapture or Global Enlightenment.

He has authored over a dozen books including two best-sellers (one on World Religions), appeared in three award-winning movies, such as Enlightenment Now, the Awakening of Humanity, which co-stars with several of the world’s most famous gurus such as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva. Steven has hosted two streaming series, one for the Hallmark Channel called “SpiritClips” which reached millions, and he has a new series called e n l i g h t e n coming out later this year.


Let’s change the world. 


If you would like learn more, donate, volunteer or become a Sponsor email Steven at [email protected] 

Donations of any amount help. thank you. 

We have VIP sponsorships at $10k, Corporate Logo Sponsorships at $100k and Partner Sponsorships at $1 million,